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- What is philosophy?
- What is the history of philosophy?
- What can philosophy do for you?
- What is philosophy of happiness?
- What is happiness?
- What is death?
- What is life after death?
- What is love?
- What is sense of life?
- How to find your place in life?
- How can i be happy?
- How to make my dreams come true?
- What should I do to be happy?
Philosophy isn't a science in the strict sense of this word. Philosophy
is more the way or instrument to understand, what happens in our life and
why it happens with us. Philosophy is a possibility to understand the world,
other people and the reality more deeply and to make a profit from it for

The history of philosophy is a science about the different stages in the
development of philosophy. These stages are the ancient philosophy, the
Medieval philosopy, the Renaissance philosophy, the philosophy of
Enlightenment and the contemporary philosophy. |

Philosophy can do for many things. The first one is to answer you questions
about yourself, about love, life death, happiness, about misfortune, about
wealth, about wisdom, time, reason, power and more others. The second one is to
teach you to act in life properly and to achieve your goals. The third one is to
teach you to find out mistakes before you made it and to avoid them. The fourth
one is to perceive all bad or good things that happens with you with a peace of
mind. If you choose the philosophy you'll change your life and you'll make it
better. |

Philosophy of happiness is a way to comprehend what is happiness and how
you can achieve happiness. Philosophy of happiness shows you different ways
how to achieve the happiness and gives you the tips where you can find the
happiness. |

Sometimes it is difficult to understand what is happiness. But the answer
of this question is very simple. Happiness is a state of your soul
when your are completely satisfied with your life or the situation.
Unfortunately, this state cannot be permanent and is
always temporally.

Death is the end of our human life. But it doesn't obligatory mean that
our being goes to the end with our death. There are many theories that try
to prove that there is nothing after our death and another theories that try
to prove and to explain that after our death exists another possibility for
our being. Philosophy tries to show the people which our being after death
can be.

It isn't proved by scientists that there is a life after death, but the
scientists cannot also prove that the life after death doesn't exist. During
the history of philosophy the philosophers discussed this question very oft
and much. And thanks to the scientific finds of the 22 century the modern
philosophy inclines to the thought that the life after death exists and the
contemporary philosophy brings the arguments for it.

Love is one of the most wonderful feelings that people can have. Love is
a person's willingness to immolate himself or herself for the sake
of other person. A true love is a readiness to give the other
person all possible and impossible things and to take nothing instead of it. |

The life itself is senseless. Only you can give your life a sense. Philosophy
can help you to find a true sense of life and to distinguish the true things
from the wrong things. When you get the possibility to distinguish the true
things from the wrong you'll get the instrument that can help you to find the
true sense of your life. |

Where is my place in life? Every person asks himself/herself this
question from time to time. It is difficult to find your place in this life
and more difficult to understand what do your want from your life.
Philosophy can help us to find such a place and do it more harmless and
more quickly that without it.

The shorter way to be happy is to be happy. It means that only
you can do yourself happy. To be happy means to be happy and tries not to
think about bad things or problems. If you concentrate yourself on the
positive things around you, your reality will be changed. And after a short
period of time you will see that your desperate situation was changed to the
better and you become happy again. Only the philosophy can teach you the
positive way of thinking and make you happy. To be happy means to think
positive and to have only the positive emotions.

There are some ways how you can make your dreams come true. The one of
this ways is the philosophy. If you have a desire to make something, but you
don't know how you can realize your dream, the philosophy will help you to
get new ideas and show you the ways. The philosophical way of thinking
shows you your problem from the other side and gives you unordinary
possibility to solve this problem. |

Firstly, you should be satisfied with things that you have already had.
Secondly, you should try to think good and positive about other people and
it doesn't matter what these people do or did.
Thirdly, you shouldn't forget that if you have bad times now, it doesn't
mean that this situation will continue your whole life. After the hard times
you'll have a good time and it is life.
Fourthly, you shouldn't forget to give love to other human beings. If you
give selfless love to others, it makes you happy and it changes your life.
As a result you will see miracles in your life.

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