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Pythagoras: Philosophy quotes

You should make great things, not promising great things.

Life looks like a theater, where very bad people take the best places.

Democritus: Philosophy quotes

It is a sign of unreasonableness; don’t want to make concessions to life.

Aristippus: Philosophy quotes

Aristippus was asked about the difference between philosophers and other people and he answered that if all laws are destroyed, only the philosophers will live as before.

Epicurus: Philosophy quotes

People need even the worst laws, because if these laws don’t exist, people could devour each other.

You cannot live pleasant if you don’t live rational, moral and fair and vice versa you cannot live rational, moral and fair, if you don’t live pleasant.

Carneades: Philosophy quotes

Not all, what happens, happens because of fate. Something is in our hands.

Cicero: Philosophy quotes

Life is short, but the glory can be eternal.

If something exists honorable, it is the wholeness of life.

Seneca: Philosophy quotes

To live means to struggle.

Plutarch: Philosophy quotes

To live well means to live public life.

Augustine: Philosophy quotes

Life of speaker has more significance than any speech.

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Philosophy quote of the day

You should make great things, not promising great things.
