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Thales: Philosophy quotes

What is quicker of all? – The quickest of all is intellect, he includes all.

Aesop: Philosophy quotes

Aesop was asked, what is the most powerful in a person? He answered: “An intellect”.

Pythagoras: Philosophy quotes

Only intellect, as a sage guardian, should be entrusted with the whole life and especially the youth.

Democritus: Philosophy quotes

Soul and intellect are just the same things.

Diogenes: Philosophy quotes

It was asked what philosophy gave to him. He answered that it is the readiness to all turning-points of destiny.

Aristotle: Philosophy quotes

I define an intellect as a thing with what our soul thinks and comprehends.

Who shows yourself in activity of intellect and respects other people, is beloved by gods.

Epicurus: Philosophy quotes

It is better to be unhappy with an intellect than to be happy without it.

The beginning of all and the greatest good is prudence that is why the prudence is even more worth than a philosophy.

You should always have more intellect than dementia.

Cicero: Philosophy quotes

It doesn’t exist anything more excellent than intellect.

Rhetoric is a light that adds a glance to the intellect.

Seneca: Philosophy quotes

The greatest good contains in intellect, but doesn’t contain in feelings. What is the best in a person? It is an intellect. He surpasses the animals with the power of intellect and marches lock-step with gods.

Only intellect can provide with a peace.

If you want to take a power above all, you should give a disposal of you to the intellect.

Augustine: Philosophy quotes

An intellect is absurdity of a soul with what she, without a body, contemplates a truth.

Al-Farabi: Philosophy quotes

A man becomes a person thanks to the intellect.

Ferdowsi: Philosophy quotes

A wreath, the beauty of all living things, is intellect. You should admit that the basis of being is the intellect.

It comes from the intellect a grief and enjoyment, and the intellect can give us grandeur, but also a decline.

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Philosophy quote of the day

What is quicker of all? – The quickest of all is intellect, he includes all.
