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Cicero: Philosophy quotes

The power of philosophy is to cure the souls, to send the empty cares, to relieve from passion, to scare fears away.

The best philosophy is to deny all and don’t have a certain opinion about anything.

A science about the cure of souls is the philosophy. Her help doesn’t come from outside like a help against corporal illnesses, but we should use all our strengths and means that can help us to heal ourselves.

A culture of intellect is the philosophy.

Seneca: Philosophy quotes

A true free thing can be only one that can do us free, namely, the philosophy that is a lofty occupation.

Philosophy is curative and pleasant at the same time.

Marcus Aurelius: Philosophy quotes

Nothing can give us a right way? The right way can give us nothing except the philosophy.

Al-Farabi: Philosophy quotes

An art, which has an aim to achieve the beauty, is called a philosophy or in the absolute sense it is named wisdom.

Philosophy precedes a religion in the time.

A definition of philosophy and her sense consists in her assignment that it is a science about the being as a being.

We can achieve happiness only then when we have a beauty; and we have a beauty thanks to philosophy. The truth is that only because of philosophy we can achieve happiness.

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Philosophy quote of the day

The best philosophy is to deny all and don’t have a certain opinion about anything.
