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Pythagoras: Philosophy quotes

The beginning is the half of all.

Democritus: Philosophy quotes

Braveness is the beginning of business and an accident is a master of the end.

Antisthenes: Philosophy quotes

You should seek after amusements that go after a job and not before.

Xun Zi: Philosophy quotes

Who doesn’t apply himself to business, won’t achieve much success.

Han Fei: Philosophy quotes

If it appears damage by project close-out, but in comparison it shows an advantage that is bigger than damage, you should finish your project.

When you comprehend the crux of the matter, it certain directs to success.

Cicero: Philosophy quotes

We reap what we sow.

Work dulls the pain.

Seneca: Philosophy quotes

Who works, has no time to a prank. And the truth is that work kills off the vices that are born by idleness.

A greatness of some matters consists not only in their measures, but also in their timeliness.

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Philosophy quote of the day

The beginning is the half of all.
